Alexandra Daddario Nude In ‘True Detective’
KennyFulgencio: damn… that guy has nice arms
Alexandra Daddario
**It has come to my attention sometimes the gifs may not load properly; if not; simply come back a day or 2 and try again**
As “Percy Jackson” movie series fan; I quickly fell in love with Alexandra. She’s now #1 on my list of blue eyed beauties. I like the fact that she actually decided to go blonde; for a better feel and get more ‘in character‘.

(How could you possibly pass out in this movie? The one and only movie that debuts Alexandra’s awesome cleavage the most!?)

Man, that cleavage…too awesome!

Percy Jackson movies wasn’t the only one Alexandra wanted to be ‘in character‘ with. She really liked and wanted to be on True Detective. And sometimes; you’d have to make sacrifices.
And this sacrifice was extremely worth it!
Apparently, this is from True Detective; Episode 2: Seeing Things.

Ain’t full nudity without a pussy shot somewhere eh?

And, saving the best ones for last!

Both made by me; and yes, my favorite ones 🙂Didn’t want to add too many gifs, the blog started slowing down; here’s the rest of them