rcldbarros: LOL! Gal, girl, I don´t blame you.
echocoholic: “God he’s dreamy……wait, I’m married.”
ventimus: Ok I always love this GIF and Chris Pine but, if you watch the full video, she is answering a question and loses her train of thought, and then Chris effortlessly picks it up for her. She’s embarra–ed about the interview, not lady-b-nering
But please keep posting this because Chris Pine is at the top of my Chris List
reincarnatedunicorn: That’s a beaming smile, followed by a lusty bite, and finally awareness she’s on camera, and married.
plockplock: Anybody else think this is adorable?
upstoregrab: Just insane.
BasiliusVon: Fantastic body ! thanks
FuzzyStorm: This woman is insane. She’s just godlike in WW armor too.
dave-gonzo: Jesus F—ing Christ
banjotooie1995: Good God woman
Ctrlaltdelm8: Thank you
chirag_5: She is getting bigger.
kylthms: She is so damn perfect.
Duzzy_Funlop: Is it just me, or is she extremely attractive?
shroomprinter: [Wow](https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/.w.T2aOWy7lm2Yw77Yk2Kw–~B/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD0xODA7dz0zMjA-/https://media.tenor.co/images/e5deed8a4c35e664e8d95db6fdbe4297/tenor.gif.cf.gif)
baileymoves: Sucks she had to die in the new justice league movie
Ravelcy: Better movie than WW too.
XxXWTPXxX: Damn she is gorgeous
jv1995: Jesus.