Full frontal nudity in the movieĀ ‘Les jolies choses’:
Full frontal nudity in the movieĀ ‘Une affaire privĆ©e’:
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Nude in the movieĀ ‘Furia’:
Full frontal nudity and various other nude scenes in the TV movieĀ ‘ChloĆ©’:
Full frontal nudity in the movieĀ ‘La guerre dans le Haut Pays’:
Brief topless scene in the movieĀ ‘Comment je me suis disputĆ©… (ma vie sexuelle’):
Nude in the movieĀ ‘De rouille et d’os’:
Sex scenen in the movieĀ ‘La boĆ®te noire’:
Brief full frontal nudity in the movieĀ ‘Taxi’:
Brief nudity in the movieĀ ‘Mary’:
Brief topless scene in the movie in the movieĀ ‘Toi et moi’:
Brief sex scene in the movieĀ ‘Jeux d’enfants’: